Hygienic Wall Cladding Finishes Explained: Trim vs Welded

Hygienic Wall Cladding Finishes Explained: Trim vs Welded
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Hygienic Wall Cladding Finishes Explained: Trim vs Welded

When deciding between a trim or welded finish on your wall cladding project installation, there are a few things to take into consideration to ensure you achieve the best possible result. 

Wall Preparation & Installation

Installing Whitewall with a trim finish is much easier than welding. It is recommended that only experienced Whitewall installers should attempt to weld, and it is always best to get a company such as Hycom to weld for the best possible finish.

Trims are much more forgiving, and so it is important to check the following requirements are met in order install a good installation:

  • It is vital that the wall you are attempting to weld on is true, and flat, and also free from contaminants; be that dust, adhesive, grease etc. 
  • Recommended substrates are plywood, plasterboard, finishing plaster, plywood and most sand and cement rendering.
  • All surfaces should be sealed with PVA prior to installation

It is vital that you properly plan out where the welded joints will be on the wall, to ensure that there are as few joints as possible. It is also important to consider if the joints will be too close to fixtures, fittings, corners etc. We recommend a 200mm bend before or after a corner to get the sheet to settle correctly. 

Location & Purpose

Where you are planning on installing, and what you are planning on using the room for, is also something that must be considered when deciding between welded and trim finish. 

Both trim and welded finish leaves you with a completely hygienic finish. 

For a room where the safety of the residents is of the utmost importance, such as in a mental care facility, then welded finish is recommended, as this ensures the room is anti-ligature.


In regards to price, trim finish is the cheapest option in most cases, especially as it is recommended that you do not weld yourself, unless you are an experienced WhiteWall installer.


Trim and welded finishes both deliver a hygienic result, however, a welded finish is a more complex process, requiring careful planning and preparation, which we recommend is carried out by an experienced and skilled installer. If this isn't feasible, a trim finish offers an equally pleasing and effective result and is a more viable option.

How can Hycom help?

We are experts in supplying and installing hygienic flooring and take great pride in passing on our knowledge and skills to our customers. We understand the basic functions of products and wherever possible this is delivered with the most aesthetically pleasing solution in mind. Get in touch today on contact@hycom.co.uk or call 01420 559 802 and we'll be happy to talk through your requirements.

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