Introducing Altro Tegulis

Introducing Altro Tegulis
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Introducing Altro Tegulis

When choosing the specification for a project in settings such as bathrooms or kitchens, there is a fine balance between finding a product which has the right hygienic integrity, but which also does not compromise the aesthetics of the project. This is where Altro’s Tegulis range is the perfect choice.


Altro Tegulis provides the hygienic finish expected from PVC wall cladding, but with multiple and diverse design options, allowing the customer to choose a sheet that not only is practical, but also design-led.


What is Altro Tegulis?

Altro Tegulis is a tile-effect wall panel, with the unique quality of giving the illusion of grout lines, without the risk of mould or mildew build-up over time. 

This product is designed for use in commercial areas, kitchens and bathrooms, and comes in a range of patterns or colours, allowing for a huge amount of options for the client.

Despite the design features of Altro Tegulis, it is also still robust, easy to clean, and can be used in areas that reach temperatures of up to 60°C.

Options for standard/wet room areas

There are two options for joins on the Tegulis sheets, half-lap and interlocking. The half-lap design is for use in wetroom areas, and is similar to a tongue and groove design found on things such as laminate flooring. This gives a watertight finish.

The interlocking design can be used in most environments, apart from wetrooms or bathrooms, because this type of join is not watertight. The interlocking join is similar to a dovetail design, where the sheets butt against each other and create a seamless finish.

Altro Tegulis bar area

Key things to consider

  1. The sheets are not always a standard size/shape. Some of the designs will have a half-brick edge, in order to allow for the interlocking system.
  2. These sheets are very different to install than standard Altro Whiterock cladding, and you may need more advice or allow extra time to install the sheets if you have not done so before.
  3. There is a longer lead time on these sheets, as they are made to order. Bearing this in mind, please allow at least 6 weeks for this to be ordered, made and delivered.
  4. The prices of this product can vary depending on the design chosen, as well as the colour. The white sheets are the cheapest, and the Wall Designs colours are the most expensive.
  5. Altro do not make trims that match exactly with the sheets, so, whilst you can choose a coloured trim from another range, you will be able to notice the difference in the trim colour.
  6. When ordering the sheets, you will need to consider which way your sheets will be laid, so that the pattern can be printed on as appropriate.

How can Hycom help?

If you’re planning a project which requires that special edge then the new and innovative Tegulis tile-effect wall panels will give you just that, without compromising on the all important factors required in hygienic environments such as durability and ease of cleaning. Get in touch with us today and we’ll be delighted to discuss your project further to help you create that perfect hygienic setting.

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